OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x

OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x

OpenCart Youtube Gallery Module 1.5.x

  • $20.00 $19.00


Supported OC Versions , , , , 1.5.6
VQMOD Required No

License details

License type Commercial
Support Yes
Update Yes

TMD is an Official Partner of OpenCart

View Profile: TMD OpenCart Extensions India

Overview Of TMD OpenCart YouTube Gallery Module 1.5.x

YouTube Gallery Module is compatible with version 1.5.x with OpenCart. This module Pro allows you to create unlimited lists and boxes of video categories with a custom selection of any page. With easy installation and setup, this module provides a more attractive look on your site Users can add video and show it anywhere on the front side.

This extension shows the video gallery with categories and the video list will be shown on a separate page. This page will be automatically created by the module.

To get the module that is compatible with OpenCart 2.x and up, checkout the OpenCart YouTube video extension

Create A YouTube Video Category

Admin can create the category for YouTube videos. YouTube videos will be attached to multiple categories. There is an option for an SEO-friendly url for the video category. Also, meta description titles and keywords setting are present in the module to make it more search engine friendly to rank better. The category has a description that shows below the video category image and title.

This category will have an Image with a title on the category list page. Admin needs to upload the image for the category. There is more setting present in the attached videos. Admin can hide and show title, description, and video image attached to it.

Moreover, the admin can enable and disable the category from the setting by changing the status. It will reflect immediately. Admin can set the order of categories in the list by specifying the sort order.

  • Video Category Title:
  • Meta Tag Description:
  • Meta Tag Keywords:
  • Description
  • SEO Keyword:
  • Video Title: Show/Hide
  • Video Description: Show/Hide
  • Video Image: Show/Hide
  • Image:
  • Status: Enable/Disable

Add YouTube Video

Take the YouTube video url and paste it into url section. Also, the admin can fetch metadata from the YouTube video information. Just click on the generate button, this will copy the YouTube video title and description and paste it into the title and description field automatically. If the admin wants to write their own title and description for the video, just write down their own and save it.

When the user plays the video, the video will be automatically shown as a YouTube video. Admin can upload the image for the video, this image will be shown as a thumbnail.

All the videos will be attached to one or more categories like the admin does in the product. It is easy to add the YouTube video and attached it to categories. There is more setting present, like applying for sort order and making video as enable and disable by changing the status of the video.

For better SEO visibility every video added by the admin will have the SEO-friendly url. Admin can enter the SEO-friendly url that is a keyword into the setting and this keyword will use to generate url for the video.

  • Url (generate metadata)
  • Image for video 
  • Video Title: (auto-generate or write own)
  • Description (auto-generate or write own)
  • Video Category
  • SEO Keyword:
  • Sort Order:
  • Status: Enable/Disable

Multi-Language Compatible

If your website has more than 1 language. This module will match your website language to give your customer a more comfortable feel. It had a language selection area. Where admin video categories and video information are in multi-languages.

This extension will show those languages which are enabled on your website. There is no limit on YouTube video categories and videos.


All questions or suggestions are most welcome. If you have any kind of questions, or suggestions, or looking for support. Please create a ticket.


* Upload all file in your root
* change database prefix in sql file
* then install sql file in your database
* get youtube key from
* go to setting add key in the option tab
* After copying all the files related to the module Go to Admin Panel then Go to System->Users->Users Groups select edit option of Top Administration select files in Access Permission which you are copying as well as in Modify Permission.


* Upload all file in your root
* change database prefix in sql file
* then install sql file in your database
* get youtube key from
* go to setting add key in the option tab
* After copying all the files related to the module Go to Admin Panel then Go to System->Users->Users Groups select edit option of Top Administration select files in Access Permission which you are copying as well as in Modify Permission.

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