OpenCart Abandoned Cart

OpenCart Abandoned Cart

OpenCart Abandoned Cart

  • $31.00 $29.45


Supported OC Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
VQMOD Required No

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License type Commercial
Support yes
Update yes

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Overview OpenCart Abandoned Cart Module

It allows the administrator to learn more about why users leave the website after adding a product to their cart. The module includes a dashboard that displays statistics on how many users have abandoned carts, how many customers have been notified about abandoned carts through email, how many abandoned carts have been converted to full purchases, and more, as well as customer coupons.

This add-on allowed the admin to view all abandoned carts along with product details. It shows which products have been abandoned the most by buyers. It contains a filter for administrators.

Admin may develop their own email template to send to customers that includes a promotional code to entice them to return to their basket. The promo code is provided by the website administrator. The administrator can create as many templates as they like.

opencart abandoned cart module stats information listed

Setting For Send Abandoned Cart Email Automatically

The cron job has been configured to run the script on the website server. The admin may use an advanced setting to control how and when the script sends emails to consumers.

The administrator may choose from one email template to make the abandoned cart email, as well as how many days the email will be sent automatically and how many times it will be sent every day. Admin can include one promo code in an email and specify when it will expire.

Set the size of the cart icon in the email, including its height and width. Furthermore, there is an SMS setting that allows the OpenCart Abandoned Cart module to send SMS to the customer when the cart is abandoned.

To ensure that the extension runs well, administrators should set up the script as a cron job on the server. The cron job script runs on the website indefinitely without consuming a lot of resources.

  • 1. Mail Template
  • 2. Status
  • 3. Duration Resend E-Mail
  • 4. How often does email go
  • 5. Coupon Discount
  • 6. Coupon Date Start
  • 7. Cart Image Size
  • 8. SMS Status
  • 9. SMS Method: GET / POST
  • 10. Url Format
  • 11. SMS Format: - {message}, {mobileno}
  • 12. Cron url shows

 Customer's Information on Abandoned Carts

This module includes a page where the administrator may view a list of all abandoned client carts. 

Customers who did not finish their shopping will be listed here with product details such as name, image, product model, quantity, e-mail, notification, date & time, and a delete option to remove the product from the customer's abandoned basket.

YES indicates that the client received an abandoned cart email or SMS. NO indicates that the consumer did not get an abandoned cart email or SMS. With abandoned cart goods, customer information is also displayed. Name, email, phone number, customer/guest information, and other details are shown.

A filter is given in the OpenCart abandoned cart extension to extract the filtered data from a collection. The filter has a name, an email notification, and the state of an abandoned cart order. Only the customer's abandoned cart order provides filter data.

The selected checkbox has this information. The email may also be manually sent by choosing the client from the abandoned cart order displayed below. From the cron job, the admin may choose the email template and make all of the parameters.

Customer Information

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone No.
  • Customer Register or Guest
  • IP
  • Language
  • Email Notify
  • Email Notify Orders

Product Information In Abandoned Cart Order

  • Image
  • Product Model
  • Quantity
  • E-mail
  • Notify
  • Date & Time
  • Action: Delete

opencart abandoned cart order with customer information showing

 Use Shortcodes to Create Email Templates and SMS Messages

The administrator can generate as many email templates as needed to deliver emails to customers who have abandoned their carts. An email template may be written using a WYSIWYG editor. This editor can also handle simple text and HTML code.

Shortcodes are also provided for creating an email template. When sending an email, shortcodes included in the email template will be transformed back to representative text. The administrator can also include the shortcode in the topic.

When there is a list of email templates, the email template name is written to identify the template.

The email template name is written to identify the template when there is a list of email templates present.

The SMS message is written by the OpenCart abandoned cart email module. Shortcodes can be used to reduce the message's text length and compress it into a single message of only 164 characters. Adding a cart shortcode to a message displays the shopping cart website.

This addon allows the administrator to choose one store from a list of many. This creates an extension that sends the email template to customers who have accounts in the chosen shop.

Used ShortCodes List

  • store
  • logo
  • first name
  • last name
  • cart
  • coupon
  • date added

Creating Email Template

  • Email templates Name - to recognize it
  • Subject
  • Description
  • SMS Message
  • Store
  • Default -> YES / NO
  • Status: enable/disable

opencart abandoned cart witing email template using shortcode

Coupons That Can Be Redeemed With The Abandoned Cart Email

All of the coupons are mentioned here, along with their current status. Name, code, discount, start and expiration dates, and the status of coupons are all provided. Admins may simply determine which discount should be used in the email using this information.

It also cuts down on the time it takes for the administrator to navigate from the discount page to the abandoned cart email and back.

You may use the TMD OpenCart abandoned cart module to recover lost orders from clients who engaged with your products and added items to their cart but did not complete the transaction.

Multi-Language Support is Excellent

TMD values its clients and customers. That is why we make all of our modules and themes multilingual. Your website contains non-English content.

Each of the presently loaded languages will have its unique email template shown. While writing an email template, this extension provides several languages.

If your websites are multilingual and are used by individuals. It is multilingual and operates effortlessly.

Work Perfectly With All Themes

Many well-known themes have been used to test the module. Some of the themes are Journal, Shoppica, Fastor, and Sellya. Following the extension's installation. All consumers who completed their shopping, whether they were visitors or registered customers, will be tracked down and shown in the admin. The module is completely functional.

If you're utilizing a website theme that was created expressly for you. Nonetheless, our module will function.

OpenCart 2.x And 3.x Versions Are Supported

OpenCart abandoned cart extension is designed for and tested on OpenCart 2.x and 3.x versions. Modules are tested up to version The Cloud version was also tested. The unit test was utilized in the testing.

OCMOD is used in this module. There are no updates or replacements to the core files. All of the modifications will take effect at runtime thanks to xml. Installation is far too simple. Only a zip file must be uploaded. Refresh the modification. You've completed your task.

It is not compatible with versions prior to 1.5.x. If your website is operating on a lower version, you must purchase a module that is 1.5.x compatible.

Features of OpenCart Abandoned Cart Extension:

  • 1. Secure and simple installation So no need to change any Core files.
  • 2. Easy way to install.
  • 3. Free support.
  • 4. Fast loading and sleek
  • 5. Track customers who last visited a page and send an email.
  • 6. Send discount codes for abandoned carts.


For any questions and suggestions, you are most welcome to contact us. If you have any kind of questions or looking for support. Please create a ticket. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The basic questions are covered about how to configure the abandoned cart email and SMS in the OpenCart section.

What is an abandoned cart email in OpenCart?

Admin can create a reminder email who did not complete their order. An Email template can contain order information, and a checkout button to complete the order. Also, the admin can add a discount coupon to encourage them. This module lets the admin create multiple abandoned cart email templates for various occasions or customer groups.

How to edit or create the abandoned cart email and SMS template in OpenCart?

Click on Abandoned Cart Menu > Click on Mail Template. You will land on the email template list. Admin can edit the existing email template or create a new one. Give the name to the template, write the email subject line, and use the shortcode to get the customer information, product list, order information, subtotal, order total, etc.

Admin can also create the SMS template using shortcodes. It will be used to send the abandoned cart email to customers who did not complete the order.

How to configure the funnel of abandoned cart email and SMS?

Create the template for email and SMS. Set the number of days and select the email and SMS template in the funnel to automatically send emails and SMS to customers. Check the abandoned cart report to know how many orders have been completed till now.

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