Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro

Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro

Product Option Size & Color Combination Pro

  • $29.99 $28.49


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What is TMD OpenCart Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro Module?

TMD Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro module allows the administrator to define specific attributes for a product. The administrator can add different types of properties for a product such as COLOR, WEIGHT, MATERIAL, SIZE, etc. to any product.

This extension is also useful if your store has items with various properties and comes with a fixed price or price variation for different unique attributes of the same individual item.

Detail Illustration of Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro Module:

A product options size & color combination pro is often used in e-commerce terminology for businesses and manufacturers with different product attributes such as color, sizes, thickness, etc. for a single product options size & color combination pro.

For example, if an item has multiple colors and multiple sizes, the master product forms a different combination of child products in terms of sizes versus color.

For example for a master product such as an Adidas t-shirt, we can have different child combinations such as

Adidas T-Shirt Red
Adidas T-Shirt Red M
Adidas T-Shirt Red L
Adidas T-Shirt Red XL
Adidas T-Shirt Red XXL
Adidas T-Shirt Blue S
Adidas T-Shirt Blue M
Adidas T-Shirt Blue L
Adidas T-Shirt Blue XL
Adidas T-Shirt Blue XXL

So this product options size & color combination pro is the basis of the SKU.

Features of Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro?

Upload and use – no core file modification requires.

Show  Product Options size & color combination pro for each product.

Create radio, checkbox, drop-down, etc.

Admin can enable and disable each product.

Customers can select different sizes and weight SKU prices etc, from product options size & color combination pro. 

Easy to use and flexible extension

Quick and reliable support

Journal Theme Compatible

How do you deal with Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro for your Store?

It is not available on most eCommerce websites as it is not a default option in the OpenCart framework. It means by default you have to enter items individually every time for different child items.

In order to get rid of child combinations for a single item with multiple colors and sizes, you need this extension.

TMD OpenCart Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro enables the combination of the master product into various child combinations in a single attempt. Thus it provides ease of storing a product with its different attributes at one go. You can find a combination in your OpenCart product master as given below when you can enable the field to get started

This module allows the store admin to create his/her own product attribute combination as given below such as size versus color.

And Option 1 and Option 2 can be any other attribute depending upon your business and trade.

So if your business or trading is related to the garment you can create a combination of color and size. The other way to look at it is if your business is related to tile or flooring you can create a combination of the best properties that define a tile such as a durability versus strength or resistance versus permanence.

How to create your own power Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro?

OpenCart Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro feature provides options to create attributes in the options section. Admin can define 2 different options as per his product requirement along with the values of the option. You can define as many option values as you want.

The option values can be given a sort order in the way they should be displayed inside a combo box.

Admin can use the option values at the backend to define its price, point, weight, SKU, and product code for all child products.

And the customer can use it at the front end to effortlessly select a product from a wide range of color and size combinations.

Benefits of TMD Power Suite Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro Module for OpenCart

Admin can define any of the two properties related to a product from any industry. Create as many properties as per your needs
Use different Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro for different kinds of products
Best for online merchants dealing with various products
Compatible for the apparel and footwear industry and other e-commerce trading businesses.
Use a single master product to define all its children and its variant. Quick access to different properties for a master item
Easy navigation for customers to choose a child product on the frontend
Display variant products on the same screen for 1 master item. Manage inventory for each and every product variant related to a master product and the weight of the product
Assign unique codes for all variant and child products to enable or disable any property as required

So aren’t the variant combination on products, important for selling more items on your OpenCart store?

Try our production OpenCart Product Options Size & Color Combination Pro modules right today for creating your own power production combined with the required attributes.


Free installation available after purchase. If you have any suggestions or pre-sale questions, looking for support. Please create a ticket. Our team will reach you as soon as possible.

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