Quick Contact opencart 2.x

Quick Contact opencart 2.x Quick Contact opencart 2.x Quick Contact opencart 2.x Quick Contact opencart 2.x Quick Contact opencart 2.x Quick Contact opencart 2.x

Quick Contact opencart 2.x

  • $20.00 $19.00


Supported OC Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , (Beta) , , , , , , , , , , ,
VQMOD Required No

License details

License type Single Domain
Support Yes
Update Yes

TMD is an Official Partner of OpenCart

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Overview Of TMD OpenCart Quick Contact Us Module

It can allow the admin to add the contact us form on all the pages of the website. The title and description can also be written before the contact form.

The setting gives the flexibility to show and hide the phone number field in the form. It will help the admin to manage the form effectively.

Also, there is an auto-reply email setting present. Admin can design the email template.

This module is compatible with the OpenCart 3x version and works great with multi-language websites.

Adust The Contact Us Form Setting According To Requirement

This module has the option to write the title and description that will display on top of the contact us form. The description field has a WYSIWYG editor. That makes the admin write the description in HTML format or text.

Enable Google reCaptcha for the form to prevent spam submission. Enable automatic reply email to be sent to the user who submitted the contact us form. Google ReCaptcha keys will be taken from the settings of the OpenCart website.

Amin can show or hide the phone number field from the form or make it a necessary field to enter the data or vice versa.

Changing the status of the OpenCart contact us module to disable, will hide contact us all over the website.

general setting for opencart quick contact us module

Create Auto Reply Email Template

It has a separate setting to write the email template that will be sent to the user's email ID who submitted the form. It will use the admin email ID to send the auto-reply email.

Write the Subject line and create a template of email using HTML/CSS language. Admin can create an appealing template so that users will wait for the website's response.

Whenever the user submits a new inquiry, the module detects and sends an auto-reply email using the template created by the admin. It will ensure the customer inquiry has been reached to the website and will get the answer as soon as possible.

write auto reply email template in opencart quick contact us module

Shortcode Available For Email Template

There are a few shortcodes given by the module. These can be added to the auto-reply email template to know the customer's request.

Admin can use the shortcode for customer name, email, phone, and message. It will automatically be converted into representative information entered by the customer in the form.

It also saves the email management time of the admin to avoid writing manually all the information.

Email Sends To Admin About New Inquiry

As soon as a new inquiry is made by a customer, the module will send an email to the admin. Auto reply email and email to admin work simultaneously.

This email will have all the data entered by the user while submitting the contact us form. This extension takes the customer's email to send a new inquiry email to the website admin.

Assign Contact US Form To Any Page Of Website

The module will automatically be added to the layout section of OpenCart. That's why the contact us form and its details can be placed where the website page content is.

Admin can edit the page layout and select the quick contact us module at the position section of the page layout. It will bring the form to that page and the selected position.

This setting makes the OpenCart quick contact us module very effective. It can be placed on the top, left, right, and bottom of the content section of the page layout.

page layout setting to assign position of quick contact us in opencart

Compatible With All OpenCart Themes

All OpenCart extensions and modules are developed as directed in OpenCart documentation. Thus, It makes OpenCart quick contact us extension works with all the OpenCart themes present in the market.

Sellya, Shoppica, Faster, Journal, Sellegance, e-Market, Bigshop, and SimpleGreat are a few names of OpenCart themes. All the settings are applied at run time and adding the quick contact us form on the page uses an XML.

If you created a custom OpenCart theme for your website that fits your requirements. Our modules will still work perfectly.

Multi-language Compatible

OpenCart quick contact us extension supports websites having multi-language. This extension will detect the language installed and active on the website and display it in the different tabs containing the country flag and language name.

Admin can write the title, description, subject line, and content of auto-reply email, and other details in the respected language. When customers change the current language of the website, the extension will check the language and show the selected language content entered by the admin.

This will help a website attract international customers and hence improve website sales.

OpenCart 2x and 3x Version Supports

OpenCart quick contact us extension is working seamlessly on OpenCart 2x, and 3x versions. This extension is tested up to the OpenCart latest version Various unit tests are done to ensure the module works.

Recommended OpenCart OCMOD is used to create the extension. This ensures no core files of the website will change or be replaced at the time of installation of the extension. Contact us details with the form will automatically be added to the page of the website.

The installation of the module is easy. Upload a zip file of the module in the admin's extension installer. Do the modification refresh. And the module is ready to use.


Free installation is available after purchase. If you have any suggestions or pre-sale questions, looking for support? Please create a ticket. Our team will reach you as soon as possible.

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