Cashback Module (2.x & 3.x , 4.x )

Cashback Module (2.x & 3.x , 4.x ) Cashback Module (2.x & 3.x , 4.x ) Cashback Module (2.x & 3.x , 4.x ) Cashback Module (2.x & 3.x , 4.x ) Cashback Module (2.x & 3.x , 4.x ) Cashback Module (2.x & 3.x , 4.x ) Cashback Module (2.x & 3.x , 4.x )

Cashback Module (2.x & 3.x , 4.x )

  • $39.99 $37.99


Supported OC Versions , , , , 1.5.6 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
VQMOD Required YES

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License type Commercial
Support yes
Update yes

TMD is an Official Partner of OpenCart

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Overview Of TMD OpenCart Cashback Extension

It can use to set up the cashback system on your website. When a customer performs certain actions like signup, writing a review of the product, purchasing the product, etc. on the website, this module will give a cashback amount in their account wallet. Website sales will increase potentially after applying the cashback.

Customers can check the cashback amount in their account wallet and use it in the next order to redeem the discount. Admin can manually add the cashback amount to the customer.

This extension keeps tracking all the cashback given to customers and the admin can check the report. An email will be sent to customers every time when they earn cashback. Email templates can be created from the module setting section.

It is compatible with multilingual websites. It supports the OpenCart version 2x and 3x. Working perfectly with multiple stores.

Main Setting For Cashback In OpenCart

It is easy to set up the cashback on your website. Admin can put the limit of cashback usage and how much cashback should be given to the customer who performed the action.

The minimum and maximum amount of cashback can be used, cashback on a new registration account, writing a product review, cashback on a selected payment method, etc. This cashback OpenCart extension will automatically distribute the cashback to the customer account.

The website can write the cashback information on the homepage or other pages. This way customers will know how they are going to earn the cashback and how much.

Admin can stop the cashback system from the website, just by changing the status to disabled. And set the status to enable bringing the cash back on the website again.

cashback setting for admin in opencart

Create Multiple Cashback With Its Own Rules

This OpenCart cashback extension allows the admin to create multiple sets of cashback. Apply the different-different rules to make the cashback more interesting. Admin can create a combination of these rules so that customers will only earn the cashback when they met all rules.

Add products, categories, select customer groups, product price range, cashback percentages or fixed amount, etc. are some rules that the admin can define.

admin created mutiple cashback options using opencart cashback extension

Assign Product, Category, Manufacturer, And Store

Admin can assign different products, categories, manufacturers, and stores to each cashback. Give a unique and representative name to each cashback.

Select either individual products or categories and other things or create a combination of them. Selecting a category will automatically add all the products available for the cashback.

The same goes for manufacturers. If the website has multiple stores in OpenCart, then the admin can create different cashback rules per store by assigning the store name.

Set The Minimum And Maximum Price Range Of the Product

Having a product price range for cashback is one of the important rules. That's why the module lets the admin set the minimum and maximum price of the product to get the cashback.

When a customer tries to purchase a product whose price falls between the defined price range of any cashback. Customers will get the cashback in their account wallet.

Set the Cashback According To Customer Group

Some website has multiple customer groups to support their business model. OpenCart cashback module has given a setting to select one or more customer groups. Admin can set the cashback in a fixed amount or set the percentage.

Cashback will be given to that customer whose customer groups match with the selected customer group in the setting. It will help a website to serve the customer better.

Add Cashback manually To Customer Account

This extension has two types of cashback methods. First automatically, the cashback will be given automatically to the customer according to their action and cashback rules and second is manual.

There is an option to add the cashback to the customer account. Admin just has to select the customer name, enter the cashback amount, and write the description.

It will credit it to the customer's wallet instantly. And customers will see the updated cashback.

Report For Admin With Filter

OpenCart cashback module records all cashback given to customers either automated or manually. Admin can see the report of list of all the cashback given to customers.

Admin can check individual customer cashback reports by using the customer filter. It is easy to distinguish whether the cashback is automatic or given manually just by reading the description.

The report also contains the order id when a customer got the cashback on the product purchase. 

opencart cashback rerpot in admin with filter

Customer Cashback Wallet

All the cashback will reflect the customer account. A menu named wallet will display along with the default menu of accounts on the OpenCart website.

Customers can see the report of their earned/spent cashback. This report has a date, cashback amount, and description.

The total cashback amount will display after the menu name and wallet page.

customer wallet showing cashback list in opencart

 Use Cashback In The Next Order

When a customer is about to purchase the product and on the shopping cart page, the cashback option is there, the customer can enter the cashback amount and the discount will apply and the updated subtotal will display.

OpenCart cashback extension will take care of cashback and the discount will apply If the cashback is available in their account.

Create Email Templates With Shortcodes

OpenCart cashback extension has the email template set. Admin can write the email templates for various events such as signup, product review, order completion, etc.

Every event has its own email template and is ready for customization. There are shortcodes given to make the email more dynamic and personalized.

The email content has a WYSIWYG editor that lets the admin write the HTML content or add multimedia content like images, videos, audio, gif image, etc in the email.

opencart cashback email template module

Compatible With Multi-langauge Websites

All the OpenCart multi-lingual websites support regardless of the languages. The language section of the module will display all the active languages having country flags and language labels on the different tabs.

All the text shown by this module can be changed and the admin can write the text in the respective language tabs. The extension automatically detects the website's current language and displays the text in that language entered by the admin in the language setting.

Supports All OpenCart Themes

TMD follows the official OpenCart documentation to create themes and extensions. Therefore, this module will work on all the available OpenCart themes in the market.

Sellya, Shoppica, Faster, Journal, Sellegance, e-Market, Bigshop, and SimpleGreat are a few names of OpenCart themes.

If you created a theme that fits your website. Our modules will still work perfectly on your website.

OpenCart 2x and 3x Version Supports

OpenCart cashback module works flawlessly on OpenCart 2x, and 3x versions. It is tested up to a stable OpenCart version.

This module is created using recommended OCMOD. It takes care of the installation process and ensures website core files remain untouched. The cashback system will be usable after doing the main setting.


Free installation is available after purchase. If you have any suggestions or pre-sale questions, looking for support? Please create a ticket. Our team will reach you as soon as possible.

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