Flash Sale & Landing Page

Flash Sale & Landing Page

Flash Sale & Landing Page

  • $49.00 $46.55


Supported OC Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
VQMOD Required No

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License type Yes
Support yes
Update yes

TMD is an Official Partner of OpenCart

View Profile: TMD OpenCart Extensions India

Overview Of TMD OpenCart Flash Sale And Landing Page Extension

This extension lets the admin create a new landing page where discounted products list will display. Using this module, the admin can create unlimited pages for every event's fast and successful promotional campaigns on your website.

This page has shows categories such as a menu, brand, products list, expiration date and time, discount percentage, product buy expires to date, and show logo on the header. Admin can do make changes in the layout and color theme from the setting for successful promotional campaigns as per festivals.

By using a landing page, the admin can create content pages to speak about their product's discount, special offers, and gifts. This module supports multi-language and is well optimized for SEO.

The marketing team can have better MIS report views by adding Google or FaceBook pixel codes on the landing page.

opencart flash sale landing page different-diferent layout

Setting Flash Sale And Landing Page For Campaign

Admin can select multiple categories or just select products. This module gave an expiration date setting for every product. Enter the expiration date to hide the product from the flash sale landing page.

Set the start and expiration date with a discount percentage for all products for the flash sale. The landing page will automatically display the products with a set of discounts.

There are additional settings like displaying brands, subcategories, showing product price, limiting the number of the product to display, showing only product which has discount, and adding Google analytic or Facebook pixel or other website analytics code. There are additional settings present that give an advantage over competitors.

This extension also enables SEO url for flash sale pages and other SEO information like meta titles, description for the search engines.

  1. Category
  2. product > Buy Now Date
  3. discount
  4. start and expiry Date
  5. Show Sub Categories
  6. Brands Fixed
  1. Max no.of Products
  2. Only Discounted Products
  3. Order By
  4. Order way
  5. Google and FaceBook pixel analytics code
  6. SEO, SEO Url

main setting of opencart flash sale landing page module

Layout, Color, And Footer Setting Of Landing Page

To give full control on the landing page that displays everything according to your campaign. Admin can set the background image of the page, select whether the image should repeat or not. Add different-different header images for desktop and mobile screens with width and height.

This module also gave setting for the layout of the product section such as image size(width and height), product name font size, display product name in one or multiple lines, alignment of product on the page, and more. These settings will significantly reduce the time of development of the flash landing page of the developer.

Admin can decide either display out of stock icon or image over the product whose stock is less than 0 or not. Upload the out-of-stock icon or image.

By default expire date count-down shows on the page, admin can hide it from the layout setting tab of the module. Developers can add custom CSS to alter or add some special element on the page like animation.

Admin can decide how many products should display on the single row on mobile, tablet, desktop, and select the action button text from the setting page.

Display the footer or hide on the page, change the background color. Using WYSIWYG editor footer content can be customized.

  1. Body background image, repeat.
  2. Header banner for desktop and mobile.
  3. Product Setting.
  4. Out Of stock image status and image.
  5. Custom CSS code.
  6. Enable countdown.
  7. Show discount amount.
  8. Footer setting.
layout setting of opencart flash sale landing page

Adjust Color Theme Of Landing Page 

There are more settings like the color theme of the landing page. Various element colors can be changed the color setting of the extension. One can match the landing page match with your website.

Admin can change the background and hover color of the button on the page, product block style, product price, product action button. Color of the sub-category name, product section background color, and other section.

According to festive color and layout of the page can be changeable from the setting. This will save not only time and money but also facilitate the fast work for sale management.

  1. Product display counting on mobile, tablet, desktop.
  2. Actions button text selection.
  3. Color setting.
  1. Product block color.
  2. Tabs style.
  3. Countdown.

opencart flash sale landing page color theme setting

Compatible With Multi-languages

This OpenCart flash sale landing page extension is fully compatible with multiple languages. This module shows languages tabs installed on the website in the setting. Admin can enter the title of the page and SEO information according to each language section.

When a customer changes their language on the website. Daily deal title and SEO content also change according to the selected language. Thus, targeting international customers and SEO will be easy for the website.

Supports OpenCart 2.3.x and 3.x Versions

TMD used OCMOD and VQMOD to create an OpenCart flash sale and landing page extension. It works perfectly on 2.3.x and 3.0.x versions of OpenCart.It is also tested up to the latest stable version.

It is used on the cloud version to give the best performance. Testing has been done using the unit test to give quality of work.

There will be no core file will alter after installation of the introduction message to visitors in OpenCart into your website. It virtually creates a file system and adds compatibility into files on runtime.

Your website files will remain the same and untouched after the installation of TMD OpenCart modules. The website will remain to function as before it does. It is easy to use right? Yeah!


If you have any kind of question or looking for support. Please create a ticket.

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