Admin Quick Search

Admin Quick Search

Admin Quick Search

  • $20.00 $19.00


Supported OC Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
VQMOD Required No

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Support yes
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TMD is an Official Partner of OpenCart

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Overview Of TMD OpenCart Admin Dashboard Quick Search Module

Admin Dashboard Quick Search Module is an exquisite OpenCart module and extension for OpenCart Admin and Store Owners. This module enables you to install a dashboard on your OpenCart store that enables various searches for information on your store.

It is one of the quickest possible ways to get immediate access to records and all sorts of data on your store.

Depending on what you could remember or hint you can exclusively insert your comment under a specific field and you will be directly taken to search results on the next screen.

And make Further searches from available reports on your search result page. This module is one of the quickest possible means to navigate to what you search for deepening on order ID, customers and products, etc.

opencart admin quick search filter options

Benefits of Admin Dashboard Quick Search Module

Therefore this extension simply provides admin the access to take benefits of search and query from the admin panel dashboard.

And you save tons of time searching for the most important info for your business. There are several benefits of this module, therefore implementing this module is a plus for OpenCart store owners

  • Admin Dashboard quick search module is a dashboard for admin. 
  • Admin can use this module as a Search Query platform for the most basic information on the store
  • Easy Access from the Dashboard
  • Delivers the fastest result in a new window for a specific search.
  • Multiple parameter searches at one time such as (product + customer name) or (Product ID + Category) etc. 
  • Drill down further immediately from the result search page on the basics of other search parameters.
  • Get the fastest result based on immediate requirement
  • Value/ Amount based search for a day or a specific period
  • Make a Search Based on Order Date

What's Included in Search?

Search by order number:
Place any order number and it will take you to the order list

Search by Order Billing Name:
Enter the name of the customer and it will take you to the order list that contains the customer name you have entered.

Search by Order Company Name:
If you are sure about the name of the company, you can enter a company name and it will redirect you to a customer list that contains orders with the available customer name.

Search by Order Billing ZIP:
This container accepts zipcodes and on the availability of zipcodes, this will provide you the list of data of all customer data that belong to the same area.

Search by order value (from/to):
If you want information on the basis of the value of an order. This search query field will direct you to a list of orders that contains the value of sales.

Search by order date (from/to):
This is a simple search for all lists of orders on the basis of the selected date.

Search order by customer email:
This is a simple search for all lists of orders on the basis of the selected email.

Search order by the comment:
Any comment you want to search, this is the perfect place to search your comments from a list of orders.

Search order by customer phone:
This is a simple search for all lists of orders on the basis of a selected phone or mobile number.

Search customers by name:
This is a simple search for all lists of orders on the basis of the selected customer name.

Search products by name:
This is a simple search for all lists of orders based on the selected products and item names.

Search products by model:
This is a simple search for all lists of orders based on the selected model name of the product.

Search products by UPC:
This is a simple search for all lists of orders based on selected UPC.

Search categories by name:
This is a simple search for all lists of orders on the basis of the selected name.

Search order by Order Status:


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