Featured Category Products

Featured Category Products Featured Category Products Featured Category Products Featured Category Products

Featured Category Products

  • $20.00 $19.00


Supported OC Versions , , , , , , , , , , , (Beta) , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
VQMOD Required No

License details

License type Commercial
Support Yes
Update Yes

TMD is an Official Partner of OpenCart

View Profile: TMD OpenCart Extensions India

Overview Of TMD OpenCart Featured Category Product Module

This extension will help the admin to highlight the best-selling products that offer a special item or display newly launched products on the homepage or other pages of the website.

Featured category products usually provide a seamless view of a variety of product categories on the storefront. Your customer will easily find the products to buy them.

Also, it works perfectly with multi-language websites.

featurued categories with products displaying on homepage opencart

Configure The Module In a Few Steps

It comes with a handy setting. Admin can do the setting in a few minutes and the extension will start displaying the products along with categories on the website.

Add or remove categories, set the product image height and width, and enter the number of products, and categories that should be displayed in the feature categories section. Moreover, the admin can enter the section headings such as "Hot Sale", " New Arrivals", "Heavy Discount" or any other custom label to attract customers.

OpenCart featured category products extension will automatically get the products of selected categories. This extension takes the "First In First Out algorithm" to show the categories.

It can be hidden from the website just by changing the status to disabled. And mark it enabled when your admin requires you to show it again.

  • Add/Remove category list
  • Product image height and width
  • Status > Enabled/disabled

  • Product counting limit
  • Category counting

configuration setting for featured category products in opencart

Display On Any Page Of The Website

The design of the featured category product is classical, sleek, and retina-ready. Categories Name will display in the tabs and its products will show in grid view.

Admin can Assing it to any page using the layout setting. Go to the layout setting of the page and select the feature category in the position section. That's all. The page will have the featured category section on the selected position.

The design is 100% responsive. Looks perfect on all kinds of mobile, tablets, and desktops.

assiging featured category in page layout setting opencar featured caetgory product module

Multi-Language Compatible

OpenCart featured category products module works with multilingual websites. Websites running in multiple languages can use this extension to show the feature categories.

All the active language names and country flags will appear in the fields. Admin can enter the text in respective languages. When a customer changes the language of the website then the heading text of the featured category section also changes to the selected language.

It will help you to retain international customers and the graph of sales will go higher.

Supports All OpenCart Themes

All the extensions of TMD are compatible with all major OpenCart themes available in the market. TMD has performed extensive testing on most of the available themes.

Some names of the themes are Journal, E-market, Shopvolly, Shoppica, Poco, minimal, MarketShop, etc. This extension is plug-and-play.

OpenCart 2x and 3x Version Supports

OpenCart featured category product extension is working on OpenCart 2x and 3x versions. This module is tested up to the latest version A unit test is performed to make sure the module meets the functionality.

OCMOD is used in this module. That means no core file will change or replace after the installation of the extension on your website. The featured category section will be added to the assigned pages on runtime using XML.

The installation is easy. Just upload a module zip file using the admin's extension installer. Do the modification refresh. You are done.


Free installation is available after purchase. If you have any suggestions or pre-sale questions, looking for support? Please create a ticket. Our team will reach you as soon as possible.

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