Custom Size Chart

Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart Custom Size Chart

Custom Size Chart

  • $20.00 $19.00


Supported OC Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
VQMOD Required No

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Overview Of TMD OpenCart Size Chart Extension 

This extension helps the admin to show the product's details in the size chart. From the module setting, you can set a size chart heading with multiple values. The size chart can have as many rows as required. There is no limit to the row size.

3 different styles of product size charts are shown in a popup, in a new tab, inside, or outside of the description. Just select the style and size chart information shown in the selected style at the front end.

Admin can assign categories that are ultimately assigned to all products of the same category. And can select products to have a size chart. It is multi-language compatible.

Creating  Size Chart In OpenCart Website

OpenCart size chart extension gives the simplest way to create a size chart for products. Admin can add unlimited size information with multiple rows with headings and values. Heading will always be one row but values can have multiple rows. Pressing the plus and remove buttons will add new rows for values and remove the value row respected.

The number of cells in the value row can be any number. Admin has to enter the number of cells that will be used for values and that number of cells will be created.

Admin can write the title and description of a product custom size chart. This will show the above size information. The description can have multiple lines.

  • Title and descriptions.
  • The Unlimited number of size values rows.
  • ✔ The Unlimited number of rows of value cells.
  • Assign products or categories.

  • Show in the popup.
  • Create a new tab for the size chart.
  • inside, outside of description.
  • Global enable and disable.

Admin setting of  OpenCart Size chart entering data of sizes

Write Information on the Header and Footer of the Size Chart

This extension provides the additional section which will show on top and below the size chart.

It has a WYSIWYG editor. that allows the admin to write text insert size chart images or videos, and other information that could help customers know product size.

It will automatically be added to the size chart section and the layout will be responsive. This ensures a consistent and cohesive user experience across your store. The final layout will be header information > size chart > footer information.

writing header and footer information for product size chart in opencart module

Link To Products, Categories, And Manufacturers

One size chart can be assigned to multiple products or categories and manufacturers. Either select individual products or select the categories. Selecting categories, force size chart to assign to all products linked to the category.

Global enables and disables the option to make the size chart show and hide from the product page. Clicking on the custom size chart button will show it.

Saves time for store owners by allowing them to apply size charts to multiple products or entire categories with a few clicks, eliminating the need to manually assign size charts to each product.

attaching products, categories, manufacturers to size chart in opencart extension

Select Best Place for Size Chart

4 different placements have been given on the product page by this module. Admin can show the size chart within the product description, below the description, Display the size chart in the popup, or create a new tab after the description.

OpenCart Product size chart module comes with the individual placement setting for the size chart. A size chart button displays when the popup is selected on the product page. When the customer clicks on that button a popup containing size chart information displays. BootStrap lightbox model is used to show the popup.

selecting placement for custom size chart on product page using opencart extension

Display Size Chart As Part OF Website

OpenCart size chart popup extension gives 4 places to display the size chart on the product page. Admin can select one according to the theme or requirement suites. These are shown in the popup, Create a new tab named size chart with a description tab, inside, and outside of the description of the product.

Selecting the popup will create a new button named custom size chart on the product page, whenever a customer clicks on the button, will show the popup containing the assigned size chart.

If the admin wants to show the size chart below the description of the product then select the inside description layout option. Otherwise, select outside the description option.

100% Responsive Design

Your customer will get a seamless and user-friendly experience on all the devices. The adaptable design always adjusts its design according to the device screen which makes it easily accessible and readable.

It will take the website's color theme and style to maintain the branding. However, the OpenCart product size chart extension gives the flexibility to update the design of the description that is displayed above of size chart.

Working Perfectly With Multi-Language

TMD always cares about customers and clients. That is why all modules and themes created multi-language compatibility. If your website uses non-English language or RTL.

If your websites have multi-language and people use them. Then OpenCart size chart popup module will show size information in the same language. When customers change the language on the front end, then the language of the size chart also changes along with product information. It works seamlessly with multi-languages.

Support All OpenCart Theme

TMD modules by taking care of compatible themes available in the market. It is tested with many famous themes. Some of them are Journal, Shoppica, Faster, and Sellya. A new section will be added to the website admin section. it uses the default theme CSS to display fields.

OpenCart size chart module shows any kind of size chart in 4 different layouts. Exclusively made for the OpenCart framework this module is error-free

Opencart Size Chart Popup Extension Supports OpenCart 2x, 3x and 4x Versions

TMD made this module work on OpenCart versions 2x and 3x versions. It also supports the latest 4x version. A module can be easily installed via the upload module section in admin, on your website. Because this module uses OCMOD. Which does not overwrite core files. It also works with cloud-based online websites.

Our all modules, extensions, and themes are plug-and-play. Just install and you are ready to use them right away.


Check out our demo or write to us with any query you just have in your mind. Do you have pre-sale questions or have questions about support? Please create a ticket. We will help you to get it working.

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