OpenCart PayUbiz and PayUmoney Module

OpenCart PayUbiz and PayUmoney Module OpenCart PayUbiz and PayUmoney Module OpenCart PayUbiz and PayUmoney Module OpenCart PayUbiz and PayUmoney Module

OpenCart PayUbiz and PayUmoney Module

  • $29.99 $28.49


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TMD OpenCart PayUMoney and PayUBiz Payment Extension

TMD PayU payment gateway solutions is a connector between your OpenCart website and PayU payment gateway merchant to process payment transfers. This fulfills a vital role in the e-commerce transaction process and authorizing the payment between merchant and customer.

PauUbiz and PayUMoney are two different payment gateway solutions that were created by PayU Payments Pvt. Ltd. company. Unlike other payment gateways, PayU solutions also play a significant role in payment solutions for e-commerce transactions across the globe.

Features of PayUMoney And PayUBiz Payment Module

  • Select PayUMoney or PayUBiz from setting
  • Automatically adapt customer-selected currency for transaction
  • Easy and simple to use admin interface
  • Uses 3D-Secure PIN/Password verification payment process
  • secured with 128-bit SSL encryption and two-factor authentication
  • One of the best and leading payment gateway in India
  • Works with both Test and Live modes on the payment gateway.
  • The configuration is easy from the setting.
  • UPI, debit and credit cards from all card associations, Netbanking, E-Wallets

opencart PayUMoney and PayUBiz payment module

Easy To Configure From Setting

The payment extension has an easy configuration setting. It will take less than 2 min to configure PayUMoney or PayUBiz payment gateway for the website. All the transactions are happening according to the setting done by the admin.

The module consists of both payment PayUMoney and PayUBiz. Unlike this payment gateway sold separately sold by other companies. Admin can change PayUmoney to PayUBiz and vice versa anytime.

The payment gateway will automatically convert and the customer will pay securely.

Perfectly Work With All Themes

The selected Payment method will display on the checkout page. It can work in any OpenCart theme. We have done testing on many themes available in the market.

The module is tested with many famous themes. Journal, Shoppica, Fastor, Sellya are some names of the themes. Custom themes require some additional work.

Works well on One Page checkout and default opencart checkout page.

Supports OpenCart 2.x, 3.x  and 4.x versions

OpenCart PayUMoney and PayUBiz extension has front-end and admin files. Which makes it work on versions 2.2.x and 3.x. It is also tested up to the latest version

The module also works perfectly on the newly launched cloud version of OpenCart. Unit Test is used to make the transaction and to check.

There will no core file will alter after installation of the module. Which virtually creates a file system and adds compatibility to checkout files.

It does not work lower version 1.5.x. If your website running in the lower version then you must buy a module that is compatible with 1.5.x.

Help Increase Sales by Adding Trust To The Product

This payment is widely famous and used by more than 10k websites in India. PayU does not have a bad rating in terms of payment transactions. By adding it for payment, the customer will feel secure and pay with ease and peace of mind. Which is very important for an e-commerce website.

It will help you to increase no of sale transactions. Ultimately helps to grow your business.


Got a pre-sale question or have questions about support? Please create a ticket. We will help you to get it working.

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