Product Questions Answers

Product Questions Answers Product Questions Answers Product Questions Answers Product Questions Answers Product Questions Answers Product Questions Answers Product Questions Answers Product Questions Answers

Product Questions Answers

  • $20.00 $19.00


Supported OC Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (Beta) , , , , , , , , , , ,
VQMOD Required No

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License type Single Domain
Support Yes
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TMD is an Official Partner of OpenCart

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Overview Of TMD OpenCart Product Question Answer Module

Question Answer For Opencart extension is very useful for e-commerce websites, it provides the facility for customers and admin for clearing any doubt related to the product.

This extension allows customers to ask questions regarding products by adding a new tab named "Q & A". With this extension, customers can view, ask new questions regarding your product and also answer other customers' questions.

The admin can approve or unapproved any question or answer and can even delete them. Using this module admin can write the answer to the question. This module is very beneficial in clearing the doubts of the customer before buying products.

Other settings like email notification, color theme, and shortcodes are given to help the admin make the design of question answers consistent on all website pages.

This module works great with multi-language websites. Moreover, it works perfectly on OpenCart 3x and 2x versions.

product question answer section shows in product page using opencart product question answer module

Setting The Product Question Answer

All the questions and answers to products will be listed in the admin. Questions asked by customers on the product's Q/A section can be viewed individually where all the answers given by the customer and admin will be present.

Admin can enter the answer to the question asked by the customer. Delete single or all answers or delete the entire question and its answer. It is helpful for websites to maintain the quality of content.

There is a filter present to search the question and its answer. This extension has the option to auto-approve the question asked by the customer.

Question Answers Section On Product Page

A new tab will appear on the product page. Where customers can ask questions about that product and clear their doubts before purchasing.

With the Tab name Q/A, question counting will also be present. Answer counting will be present on the right side of the question. Customers can write the answer to an already asked question by someone else or write a new question can do it here, and according to the setting of the module, their answer will auto-approve or behold for peer review by the admin.

There is a filter present, here customers can search the query in the question list to know the answer to their query. It will reduce duplicate questions.

Adjust The Color of Question Answers According to the Website Theme

This extension gives the color setting. It can use to change the colors of various elements of the OpenCart product question answer module.

Admin can use this setting to adjust the colors to match the website theme. Background color and text color are changeable from the color theme set.

A javascript color picker is implemented. It works with all modern browsers. All the colors will be applied as soon as saved.

Background And Text Color

  • 1. Ask Question
  • 2. Primary button
  • 3. Questions
  • 4. Answers 

color setting for question answer that display on prodduct page in opencart

Automatic Email Sends On Question And Answers Events

An auto email is implemented in the module. An email will be sent at each event. The admin and customer will get emails with questions or answers.

Whenever a new question is asked or written answers by a customer on the product page, this extension will send an email to the admin. When the admin or customer gives the answer to the question, the customer who asked the question will get the email.

Create Own Email Templates

OpenCart product question answer extension comes with an email setting. Where the admin can write email templates that will use to send the emails to the admin and customer.

Write the subject line for the email. The message will have HTML content or text-based simple email. The WYSIWYG editor is added to the email message. It accepts both text and HTML. Admin can see the HTML result too in the message.

There are three email template setting present. Two for admin and one for the customer. First, a new question is asked on the product page and a second email template will be used when a customer wrote the answer to the existing question. The third email template will be used to send the email to the customer who asked the question when someone gives the answer to their question.

page layout setting to assign position of quick contact us in opencart

Shortcodes For Email Templates

To make the email template work easier, shortcodes are available in the module. Admin can add them while creating the email templates. To make the email content dynamic and personalized these shortcodes will help the admin.

Shortcodes will automatically change into respected data. For example, Admin will get the email containing the customer name, email, question name, answer, etc. in the email using the shortcode.

It is easy to remember these shortcodes and just paste them into the email template where the admin wants to show the dynamic data.

Compatible With Multi-langauge Websites

OpenCart product question answer extension works great with all the OpenCart multi-language websites. Language automatic detection is present in this extension that will display all the active languages in the different-different tabs containing the country flag and language name.

Email templates and text can be entered in multiple languages by the admin. When customers change the language of the website to another one, this extension will automatically get the current language of the website and show the selected language content.

Also, the email template will have the same langauge content. Thus targeting international customers is easy. Hence product sales will gradually go higher.

email template setting in opencart product question answer extension

Supports All OpenCart Themes

TMD follows the official documentation of OpenCart while developing the OpenCart themes and modules. Thus, It makes the OpenCart product question-answer module works with all the available OpenCart themes.

This module works great with Sellya, Shoppica, Faster, Journal, Sellegance, e-Market, Bigshop, and SimpleGreat are a few names of OpenCart themes. All the settings are applied at run time and adding the question answer tab on the product page uses an XML.

If you created a custom OpenCart theme for your own website that fits your requirements. Our modules will still work perfectly.

Main Features Of OpenCart Product Question Answer Extension

  • 1. Quick Management.
  • 2. Question and Answer auto-approval permissions Option.
  • 3. Question Search Option.
  • 4. Front-End.
  • 5. Ask a Question – The customer will have the “Ask Question” button on each product page which displays a pop-up form to ask questions.
  • 6. Quickly search – The customers can even search the questions by name of the question.
  • 7. Flexible - All questions can visible to all customers. So anyone can answer the product.

Admin Features

  • 1. Manage the product question-answer module from the admin panel.
  • 2. Approve/Disapprove any question as per need.
  • 3. Will manage all the questions and answers.
  • 4. Admin can delete any question and answer.
  • 5. Admin can use filters to search any specific question with a filter user name or product name.

Core Features of Product Questions Answer

  • 1. Journal supported.
  • 2. Fully customize the module.
  • 3. Create questions & answers for the product.
  • 4. Search bar to search for a question if one has many questions
  • 5. Quick support
  • 6. Support multi-language
  • 7. Support multi-store
  • 8. Easy to install & manage
  • 9. Simple and easy to use
  • 10. Quick installation
  • 11. No core file modification
  • 12. This extension is a fully stand-alone set of files, which doesn’t interfere with existing code not modify core files
  • 13. All modifications are done using VQMOD/OCMOD system

OpenCart 2x and 3x Version Supports

OpenCart product question answer extension is working seamlessly on OpenCart versions 2x, and 3x. This module is tested up to the OpenCart version Various unit tests are done to ensure the module works.

Recommended the OpenCart OCMOD is used to create the extension. This ensures no core files of the website will change or replace at the time of installation of the extension. The question answer tab will automatically be added to the product page of the website.

The installation of the module is easy. Upload a zip file of the module in the admin's extension installer. Do the modification refresh. And the module is ready to use.


Free installation is available after purchase. If you have any suggestions or pre-sale questions, looking for support? Please create a ticket. Our team will reach you as soon as possible.

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