Customer Export Module 1.5.x

Customer Export Module 1.5.x Customer Export Module 1.5.x Customer Export Module 1.5.x Customer Export Module 1.5.x Customer Export Module 1.5.x

Customer Export Module 1.5.x

  • $20.00 $19.00


Supported OC Versions , , , , 1.5.6 ,
VQMOD Required No

License details

License type Commercial
Support Yes
Update Yes

TMD is an Offical Partner of OpenCart

View Profile: TMD OpenCart Extensions India

Overview of TMD OpenCart Customer Export

It automatically integrates with your website and enables the customer to export. Perfect for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, ensuring that your data management grows with your business. This module helps the admin to export the customers list from the website.

You can use the customer data for conducting targeted email campaigns, analyzing customer behaviour, or simply backing up your data, analysis, or customer support, this module makes the process smooth and hassle-free.

With this time-saving extension, It supports the 1.5x version of OpenCart.

Export Customers With Ease

The extension has a user-friendly interface perfectly matched with the existing interface of OpenCart. The export button will automatically added alongside of the other buttons on top of the page of the customer list. It includes all the information of the customers.

Fields You will find in the Exported file

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • E-Mail
  • Customer Group
  • Fax
  • Telephone
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Zone
  • Country
  • Status
  • IP
  • Approved
  • Date Added

Compatible with OpenCart Version 1.5x

This extension is compatible with all the OpenCart 1.5x versions. Just install the module and ready to use. The export button will instantly appear on the customer list page.

We have another module which supports the latest version 2x, 3x and 4x versions. You can find the extension here.

Easy to install

It does not use the VQMOD for development and hence the installation process is simple. Download the module file from your account section and extract the module zip. Use the CPanel or SFTP software to upload the files on your website server.

After that login to your website admin panel. Go to the extension list page. Find the TMD Customer Export module and install it. Sometimes, the module requires permission to display the export button. Permit the User group section.

The export button will appear on the customer list page in the admin.


If you want to do any kind of customization in your website, develop the module, or theme or simply look for the installation and setup help. Just create the support ticket. One of our team members will contact you as soon as possible.

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