Cash On Delivery Fee

Cash On Delivery Fee Cash On Delivery Fee Cash On Delivery Fee Cash On Delivery Fee Cash On Delivery Fee

Cash On Delivery Fee

  • $20.00 $19.00


Supported OC Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
VQMOD Required No

License details

License type Yes
Support yes
Update yes

TMD is an Offical Partner of OpenCart

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Overview of TMD OpenCart Cash On Delivery Fee

Cash on Delivery (COD) remains one of the most popular payment methods in eCommerce, especially in regions where online payment adoption is low or customer trust in digital transactions is still building. This module helps the store owner offer a flexible and manageable COD option to improve customer satisfaction, build confidence, and cater to diverse customer preferences.

It allows managing COD fees with fixed amounts or percentages and conditional fees depending on customer groups, shipping methods or order total range. It also offers a transparent display of fees on the checking out page.

The module allows streamlined cash on delivery fee operations and maintenance. Store owners will control the cod fee while giving customers a seamless and trustworthy shopping experience, so scale your eCommerce business with this.

cash on delivery fee showing on opencart checkout page

Flexible COD Fees Structures

This OpenCart extension allows store owners to configure Cash-on-delivery (COD) charges based on their business requirements. The admin can set cash pn delivery aka COD fees as either a fixed amount or a percentage of the order total.

Fixed Amount: Apply a flat fee regardless of the order total, ensuring consistency in additional charges.

Percentage: It takes the percentage value from the setting and calculates dynamically by applying the rate to the order subtotal and making the charges proportional to the order value.

apply fee on cash on delivery setting in opencart website

Set COD Fee According To Customer Groups

The store owner can assign different COD fees to various customer groups, such as wholesale buyers or regular customers. All the active customer groups will be loaded for selection. Follow all the settings while creating the COD fee. Now Select the single or multiple customer group.

The cash on delivery fee module will automatically detect the logged customer details. And compare the customer group with the module setting. The matching customer group COD fee will be displayed on the checkout page.

Apply On Cash On Delivery Fee On Order Total Range

OpenCart cod fee module allows store owners to configure Cash on Delivery (COD) fees based on specific order total ranges. You can create multiple sets of cod fees for different order total ranges. For example, the $10 COD fee order ranges from $50 and $5 for $50 to $500, and there is no cod fee for an order total of $500.

This feature ensures cod fee automation, helping you align charges with your business policies. To minimize operational expenses associated with cash handling, exclude small-value orders.

Cash on Delivery Fee By Shipping Methods

Restrict COD fees to automatically apply to all shipping methods and enable compatible shipping methods. Such as standard or express shipping, for seamless compatibility with your logistics.

All the shipping methods and the COD fee status will be listed on the COD fee setting page. You must change the cash on delivery fee status to enable or disable it.

On the checkout page, when the customer selects the shipping method, the extension compares the chosen shipping method with the enabled shipping method in the module setting. If a match is found, the COD fee is shown and the total is added.

Multi-Language Support

It lets the admin enter the COD-related text in multiple languages. You will find tabs for each language installed in the store, In the module setting.

The language name with the country flag is given on the tab for better understanding. When users change the language the COD shipping information will be updated ensuring a seamless user experience.

With multi-language support, the module helps create an inclusive shopping experience, building trust and convenience for international customers.

selecting tax class and geo zone for cash on delivery fee in opencart

Compatible With All Major Opencart Themes

This OpenCart cash on delivery Fee extension is compatible with most themes, including Journal, Shoppica, Poco, Fastor, Bigshop, Sellegance, Pavilion, etc. It displays COD your theme's UI design to display the COD fee details.

Because of its responsive design, the cash on delivery fee details displays flawlessly across all screen sizes, maintaining a consistent look on a desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Supports Latets Versions OpenCart

The cash on delivery fee module supports most OpenCart versions, including 2x, 3x, and 4x. It is also compatible with the latest version of OpenCart. It uses the OCMOD for installation and work, Thus you do not have to worry about the files of your OpenCart website. Go through the online documentation for configuration.

We have done full testing, which makes it a plug-and-play extension, you can start using this extension just after its installation.

Benefits for Store Owners

  • Mention COD fees at checkout, eliminating confusion and building customer trust and satisfaction.
  • Offset additional costs incurred due to cash payment collection with Optimized cash on delivery fees. This would help a merchant retain profitability by offering customers a convenient payment method through COD.
  • Automation allows COD fees to be applied to customer groups, order totals, or shipping methods and helps save labour and errors.
  • COD fees can be tailored by customer group or region allowing the store to customize their cod strategies according to their company's needs.
  • Reach wider audiences as COD-related content can be offered in the customers' language of choice, making it easier for them to understand and use.
  • The module seamlessly integrates with all major OpenCart themes and versions making cod fee management easy.
  • To be legally compliant, use fee structures that align with local regulations and policies, especially in regions with further requirements for COD handling.
  • This module empowers the store owner by providing a flexible, transparent, and automated way of managing cash on delivery payment options.

Support and Updates

We have dedicated customer support to assist with installation and troubleshooting. If you are looking for any customization, want to create a new OpenCart module for your website or need support, create a ticket. One of our team members will get back to you.

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